Wada Masatoshi
Director. Storyteller. Actor.
"I believe in directing with vision and bringing stories to life that resonate globally. My films aim not just to entertain, but to challenge perceptions and inspire meaningful conversations, emphasizing the essence of what it means to be human in an age increasingly shaped by Artificial Intelligence. Each project is a personal masterpiece, crafted to reflect and engage with the world around us."
ーWada Masatoshi***「私は、これまで日本で数々の演出に関わらせて頂きました。また、私の将来の大きなビジョンは、『今までに比類ない、演出』を目標とし、世界中に響くストーリーを生み出すことです。また、映画は単に観客を楽しませるだけでなく、作品の中で、その本来の意味を問い、視聴者の心に少しでも印象に残る事を目指しています。今日、世界で人工知能が益々飛躍的に進化し続ける時代の中で、私の演出のテーマは『人間であることの本質を強調』です。私たちと、人工知能の未開の領域との関わり、またそれを反映した個人的想像力の傑作です。」ー和田昌俊
Wada Masatoshi is the creative force behind 『劇団ぎょう座』/ "Gekidan Gyoza", where he serves as founder, film and casting director, script writer, and sometimes even steps into acting roles.His leadership at Gekidan Gyoza is characterized by a hands-on approach, meticulously crafting each project from script to screen to ensure that the productions authentically reflect his artistic vision. You may read his reflections on the storytelling and filming process here.In addition to his pivotal role at Gekidan Gyoza, Masatoshi has also enriched a variety of other film and television projects with his acting talent. His film credits include impactful roles in 『四角い世界』("The Square World"), 『THINK BACK TO』 and Chris M. Ferguson’s 『Mother』 where he portrayed the Man In Suit.His love and commitment to acting extends to television, where he has appeared in several popular dramas, such as 『silent』, 『忍者に結婚は難しい』 ("Marriage is Difficult for Ninjas"), and 『TOKYO VICE Season 2』".Additional appearances include 『アイゾウ・警視庁・心理分析捜査班』("Aizo: Metropolitan Police Department Psychological Analysis Team"), 『極悪女王"』("The Wicked Queen"), and 『大奥』("The Inner Palace").His roles significantly contribute to the depth and dynamics of each narrative, showcasing his versatility and dedication to the craft of storytelling and acting.Wada Masatoshi is also the official Japanese ambassador for the Never Let Go AI Project, a global movement that seeks to alleviate the worldwide epidemic of loneliness through the balanced use of Artificial Intelligence.
Hailing from the vibrant Tokyo metropolis that is simultaneously ultra-modern and unapologetically traditional, Wada Masatoshi pivoted his career to filmmaking at the age of 34 after a traumatic life event.Inspired by NOH, a major form of classical Japanese dance-drama that has been performed since the 14th century, his short films are celebrated for their skilful juxtaposition of comedy and emotional complexities. Masatoshi’s directorial efforts delve into pressing and sometimes uncomfortable social issues in Japan, challenging audiences to reflect and engage.His distinctive storytelling style documents memorable and transformative life experiences, reminding the audience of what makes us human.***古き良き長年の伝統に溢れ、また、世界有数の様々な文化、芸術の色が特異な形で融合され、多くの異国人を魅了し続ける『東京』。その日本の中核である大都市出身の和田昌俊は、人生の大きな試練を経て34歳で映画制作の道へと転身しました。日本の代表的伝統芸能の一つである「能」に触発され制作された彼の短編映画は、内容をコミカルに表現し、時には、感情の複雑さを巧みに組み合わせながら、独自のスタイルを表現できています。また和田の監督作品は、日本の現代の繊細な社会問題に踏み込み、観客の心に気づきを与え、内省を促します。和田監督の世界観が作り出す、オリジナリティ溢れる「ストーリー」は、私たち観客一人一人の心の奥に深く刻まれるものであり、またこれからの生き方に革新的なものをもたらすでしょう。このような作品を生み出す、彼の作品は、多様性を受け入れ、洗練された日本から高く評価されています。
If you are interested in collaborating with Wada Masatoshi, please fill out the contact form below. Alternatively, reach out directly to his PR manager at [email protected] to discuss potential opportunities.和田昌俊とのコラボレーションに興味がある方は、以下の連絡先フォームにご記入いただくか、直接PRマネージャー([email protected])までお問い合わせください。今後のビジネス展開について話し合うことができます。
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